HEOR & HTA Training

Our HEOR/HTA training service is designed to empower healthcare professionals and decision-makers with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complex field of Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR) and Health Technology Assessment (HTA). Through tailored training programs, we provide comprehensive insights into the principles, methodologies, and applications of HEOR and HTA.

Participants in our training programs gain a deep understanding of economic evaluations, outcomes research, and the assessment of healthcare technologies. We cover topics such as cost-effectiveness analysis, budget impact analysis, and systematic literature review and evidence synthesis. The training also encompasses the interpretation of HTA findings and their implications for healthcare decision-making.

Our services include training in the following topics: 

  • Principles of Health Economics

  • Principles of Health Technology Assessment

  • Advanced course on HEOR and HTA

  • Health economic evaluation/modelling

  • Budget impact analysis/modelling

  • Systematic literature review & meta-analysis

  • Market access

  • Health econometrics